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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meet "Jessica Duncan Kebe." Aka, Alima

That's right! They named a baby after me. Move over Mother Theresa! ok, maybe it's not quite sainthood, but it's a pretty good feeling. Of course, having a baby named after you comes with some attachments, like taking it back to America with me...j/k Oh come on mom! she's pretty cute! Officially her name is Jessica, but everyone calls her Alima fitini (little Alima), which means I have graduated to Alima koroba! (big, old Alima...) what an honor. It's my tailor friend, Vielle's baby.

In other news, I'm happy to announce the start of my first funded project. My women's group got their millet grinder last week and are preparing to install it. They're taking out a loan with the local bank in my town to build a cement house to hold the machine, then work can begin. In'shallah, there will be minimal setbacks and hassles, and they can start earning for themselves quickly.

While not entirely tabled, my plastic bag project is on a bit of a hold while I study for the GREs, and try to figure out the best way to approach things. Although I have found a women's sewing center to produce and bags and children are coming to my house by the droves with collected trash bags, it's a matter of connecting the dots and convincing everyone that the project is worth it. Thankfully, school has started and a handful of children are doing some pretty good advertising for me with their bookbags in class, so I know parents are interested, as well the Supervisor for the NGO I work for. As with most things, anything that could be done in a day in America, usually take about a month, give or take. I'll be sure to post updates.

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danvalley52 said...
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